Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Michel Gondry x Flight of the Conchords

I assume this is the feeling the guy who invented jelly and ice cream got when he tried his first bowl.

Monday, 23 February 2009

Oscar Winners 2009

A fair night overall and a good one for the British Film industry which is always nice to see. However a few stand out performances happened to be overlooked.

Sean Penn was absolutely brilliant as Harvey Milk, however there is something about Mickey Rourke's story and the honesty he portrayed, the way you could see him feel everything that Randy the Ram felt in The Wrestler that set him apart from everyone.

I also feel their will be a lot of people ignoring the foreign language category after the debacle the committee made of this years decision. First by overlooking the outstanding Gomorrah even a nomination and second by choosing a little known Japanese film which I cannot judge because I have not seen it, over Waltz With Bashir. I am in no way saying that the winning film was not a great film, as I have said I have never seen it. However Waltz With Bashir is not just a film, it is a statement, along with Persepolis it is a new adult way of approaching animation and one which many thought should have been nominated in the best film category. This alone sets it apart from any of its competitors in this category.

Although biased because of my love for Mike Leigh I would also loved to have seen him pick up a much deserved best screenplay for Happy Go Lucky.

I am keen to see Anne Hathaway in Rachel Getting Married before saying that Kate Winslet was the right but I have a sneaky suspicion I will disagree with the decision here too.

Also, although a very good film I feel that Slumdog Millionaire does not quite justify it's 9 Oscar haul. In no way knocking the film and its achievement I feel other films were better in the categories of Cinematography (The sadly overlooked for nomination Australia,) and Original Score (Wall-E.)

Despite this I am pleased to see a return to form for the committee. Probably aided by the lack of tough decisions this year they got a lot of decisions right for once. None more so than the Best Documentary to Man On Wire, a well deserved award to a beautifully executed film.

The Best Director/ Best Film to Slumdog Millionaire, which in a year of uninspiring nominations stood out in the pack.

It is also nice to see Penelope Cruz pick up an award, even if she achieved it for a more sedated role than those in which she has achieved her finest performances to date.

In the same vein as this I am glad to see Heath Ledger getting the award for Best Supporting Actor as he dominated the years big success The Dark Knight and stood out like a sore thumb in this category. A posthumous award for a man who was on his way to becoming a marvelous actor.

Lets hope this year is a sign of things to come. That the Oscars do not give in to the demand for more awards to the commercially successful choices and that we see enough brilliant films in the next year to make next years decisions a bit more difficult.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

"Do you punch your mother with that mouth?"

"A Race To The Bottom"

A race to the bottom usually refers to people being prepared to settle for "good enough" when they ought to be striving for best. If I can save money by settling for good enough, then a competitor will try to save more, thus lowering their standard below mine. If I wish to compete I need to go lower than them - and so on, and on - in a race to the bottom.
It is variously referred to as "dumbing down" or "appealing to the lowest common denominator" or "a race to the bottom"

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Yesterdays Papers

An orange glow makes the cars dance in the dark,
and the rain confuses images of the outside world,
duplicated drivers make their way to unimportant places,
the only thing on these roads that are changing are the signs.

People stand in far off places trying to catch a ride,
leaving their faith in humanity lying on the roadside,
rain batters cardboard placards romantically marked 'Home',
their fate becomes a passing thought, their destiny unknown.

Distant lands welcome worn down faces,
neighbours wave off loves rear lights,
sleep deprived eyes fight for space in the same direction,
a tin box devouring what's inside.

In far off places men sit on sidewalks, abandoned by mankind,
cover their heads with yesterdays papers, the people time left behind,
rain patters against the shell of a once proud man, misery by another name,
wheels roll past to far off places, it's always the same way to the grave.

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Political Correctness

Well according to the Daily Mail, The Sun and a large proportion of Britain it has gone mad.

But it is essential.

It had never gone mad it has just made people who did not see themselves as racists realise that they were using racist language in everyday life.

It is not acceptable to use the term Golliwog to describe a black person, it is not acceptable to use the term 'Paki Shop' to describe the local corner shop.

The world is changing, it has changed. Some people have changed and others have walked blindly into the new age blaming the world for their own social failings.

Pride stands in the way of these people accepting they were wrong and joining us in a more multi cultural and diverse world, in a world of understanding.

One day we will all hold hands like in that coke advert and we will sing away the hate and blindness and everyone will stand in the light.

Until then we just wait for better times.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

There's Snow Place Like Home

Sorry for the pun.

However, due to the return of the snow I am sat in bed, awake and with nothing to do. I also have now had an important 3 hours worth of going over script and characters cut from my day. This does not please me, and although snow looks nice it is essentially just cold and that is it. The only way I will enjoy snow at all is if it gets me off work tomorrow and God forbid it delays the Berlin trip. If there is even a chance that we will be delayed I am buying a heater and personally melting every bit of snow in Nottingham.

Have a good day.


Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Venus (2006) - Roger Michell

Venus is a beautiful film. Beautifully shot, a beautiful story and beautifully acted. The star turn coming from Peter O'Toole and his performance in no way taking the focus away from that of Leslie Phillips who is also wonderful.

The story of a friendship between an elderly actor and a young niece of his long standing friend. The girl who seems the polar opposite of the two aged actors is at the first the object of O'Toole's characters lustful admiration but their relationship soon becomes about more than this. Venus quickly takes you on a whirlwind of emotion, moving you, breaking your heart and finally dumping you back down in the Cafe where you first met the actors.

Wonderfully photographed, barring a few shots which seemed out of place the film is subtle and draws emotion from it's leading characters. The directing is not forceful but rather encourages the viewer to ease earlier concerns about the relationship.

I lost myself in this film. I believed the characters, I believed the situation, I felt the emotions, the desperation and laughed regularly throughout. It is testament to the film that it should provide such a range of emotions, a very good film and one with lasting effect. This is not a blockbuster, do not see it for special effects. See it because you are human and it is not very regularly that we get to be shown something that tells how to feel something better than you could have ever felt it in real life.

I recommend this film.

Sigur Ros

These men own my soul.

Nice Fincher Interview

Check it out if you get chance.


As it is close to Valentine's and everything.

The sunshine thaws out a cold heart,
As the last trace of hate trickles down a fragile shell,
Flowers grow on the graves of yesterday
As eyes open to a new dream,

Birds sing a different song this morning,
The wind is gentle through the trees,
A hardened stair seems warmed, inviting,
Secrets whisper in the breeze,

The great pretender lays down his mask,
As a smile cracks hardened cheeks,
A battered body finds its final companion,
They spell it L-O-V-E.

Monday, 2 February 2009

Officially the best line up in the history of music